Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Introduction: Get to know me


My name is Limayre Mendoza (Gramajo).  I was born in Van Nuys, California but moved to Oklahoma when I was ten years old. I consider myself to be more of an Okie than a Cali girl. My parents were born in Guatemala but are now United States citizens. I often get confused for being “mixed” but I am 100% Hispanic. I am the eldest of my family and have one younger sister. I am a senior at the College of Arts and Sciences. I am a Biology major and a Spanish minor. Once I graduate, I plan on finishing up some pre- requisites and then prepare myself to apply to Medical School. I have always wanted to be a physician and currently I am in love with emergency medicine and trauma. At the University of Oklahoma, I am part of the Hispanic American Student Association, Integrity Council, Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society, and my wonderful sisterhood, Sigma Lambda Gamma. I have a beautiful, sassy, awesome and friendly three-year-old daughter named Gabriella Ester Mendoza who has made my college experience really “non-traditional” but has made it all worth it. I am an advocate for pursuing post secondary education in the midst of obstacles. I wish to see many other young mothers pursue higher education and reach for the stars instead of putting their life at a halt because of their situations. I am currently a full time staff for the College of Public Health at the Health Science Center where I do public health research and studies. During my summer break, I passed down my title of Riena Hispana de Oklahoma (Miss Hispanic Oklahoma), took a much needed school break (which didn’t last long because I then proceeded to take on Biochemistry), and got MARRIED! I have been married for three days and am loving it so far (probably because I am honeymooning on the beautiful coasts of California)!  I am really excited for the last year of my undergrad career!

At a charity event before turning in my title- RAP Photography 

The day I became a Mrs. I loved our classic car! - Taken by Eric Lyons

Whale watching at Newport Beach - Taken by my husband 

My mini me playing at her Sunday School class - Taken by OKC Faith 


  1. Hey Lima!!! I am so excited to start my senior year with you and to struggle through neurobiology with you. You had a beautiful wedding and I know you are having a great time on your honeymoon. I know we will be spending a lot of time studying this semester and I hope Gabby is ready for some late night study sessions! I know we are going to have a good time with this class and will be able to bounce some fun story ideas off each other. See you soon!

  2. Hi Limayre! It's so nice to meet you! You have a really unique and fascinating back story to you. Can I say that I admire your dedication and hard work for attending college while having a daughter to take care of? Also, congratulations on being newlywed! I am surprised that you did the homework for this class while on your honeymoon...! ;) Anyways, I like the color scheme of the website, but might I make a suggestion? Maybe you could change the font of the body of your posts to something that isn't gray. It is a little hard to read. Besides that, congrats on everything and I look forward to getting to know you this semester!

    1. Hi again! So you did take my advice on the layout, and it looks so good! :) Your posts have been really good as well, so just keep up the good work!!

  3. Hello Limayre! First off I really like your name, it is very unique! I always thought my name was unique because I didn't know anyone with the same name, then got into high school and had 4 different Baylees (all spelt different) on my volleyball team, that is when I realized it wasn't as unique as I though. Oh well life goes on. You seem like you are very driven, and involved in a lot of different things. That is awesome being able to balance all those things, while being married, and having a kid. I look forward to getting to know you better, during the course of the semester! Good luck on medical school and happy honeymooning!

  4. Hey Limayre! It crazy to see all that you have done with all your responsibilities. You are one strong woman for being able to do all that you do, which is very impressive. Congratulations on your wedding and in forming your new family again! This year should bring you new and exciting things and I am very excited to see what those are! See you later Lima!

  5. CONGRATULATIONS, Limayre!!! From being Riena Hispana to being a newlywed, and with a lovely daughter too. It sounds like you have all kinds of beautiful things going on in your life: wonderful! And hopefully in this class you can learn some stories you will want to share with little Gabriella, either now, or as she grows up... Maybe you will even want to do a Storybook project with her in mind, creating some stories to share with her. She is such a cutie! Writing stories for children is a challenge, but it is a good challenge, and you can never have too many stories to share with little children!

  6. WOW congradtulations! That is amazing and I loved hearing about your daughter, that is amazing that you have been going to school and raising your daughter. I seriously admire you for that! I also love your name, it is so unique! I am also a Biology major, although I am Pre-PA, rather than Pre-med! It is so cool that you were born in California, I am a little jealous, I was born in Iowa which is boring!

  7. Hi Lamayre, Congratulation on getting married. You seem very busy with your full time job and also in the various clubs and societies you belong to. It must be quite hard to have a three year old daughter and still be able to do all of the different things you do and stay on top of everything. I hope your career goes smoothly and you accomplish everything you wish to.

  8. Hi Limayre, that's awesome that your parents got their citizenship. I'm the daughter of an immigrant as well (my dad is from Venezuela), so I know how big of a milestone that can be. In fact, my dad and I both voted for the first time in 2012. It was a really proud moment. It's awesome that you have such big plans and have done so much! Congrats on getting married and on your last year as an undergrad!

  9. Hi Limayre!
    Hats off to you doing the non-traditional college path too. I went back to college when my daughter was 7. I was a stay at home mom while she was small. You must be part super woman and part wonderwoman rolled into one! It is hard to juggle family and school at any age but especially when they are small. Your daughter is so cute! Good luck on your semester and all that you do in life.

  10. Hey Limayre,

    That is so amazing that you just got married! Congratulations! It seems like you have the perfect mix of a traditional and a non-traditional college career. Medical school sounds so great, too and it’s awesome that you can have a child and also pursue and be involved in so many things. I hope you had an amazing time on your honeymoon and good luck this year with all of your classes and med school!

  11. Hi Limayre,
    Congratulations on getting married! I think that it is amazing that you have been able to accomplish so much, between caring for your daughter, getting a degree, working full time, and you still had time to get married! I can barely keep my life together between school and work, so that's very impressive to me. I hope your honeymoon was amazing and good luck with everything!

  12. Congratulations on everything you have been able to accomplish! College isn’t easy, but having a kid and going to college is on a whole other level! You’re a good example for other young mothers out there that they can still achieve their dreams. I am also in Gamma Beta Phi. Maybe we can catch up sometime at one of the meetings!

  13. Wow! What an introduction. I think your story is really inspirational and I am so glad that you are pursuing more school. I know that cannot be easy, but you seem to know what you love and you are ambitious about your dreams. I want to be a Physician's Assistant, so we probably have taken a few of the same courses. It seems like you have accomplished a lot already and I wish you the best with your marriage, your daughter, and your school!

  14. Hi Limayre!
    Wow! Your life sounds so exciting! Congratulations on everything you have done up to this point and good luck with everything you plan to do! You are a true example of what many women who face obstacles should be like! I hope your honeymoon was wonderful even though you were posting for this class! Good luck with you final year of undergrad!

  15. Hey Limayre,
    Wow congrats on getting married!! That is so special and I hope that your wedding day was amazing. I have so much respect for you for pursuing your education even when facing obstacles, it is definitely something to be proud of. Also your daughter is so cute! Good luck in everything you do and I hope that you get into medical school!

  16. Hi Lima,
    I think it is really cool that you are a bio major. I am too! It is really awesome that you want to go to medical school to become a trauma doctor. I think the people who dedicate themselves to such a career are the most enduring people. Congratulations on your marriage and your daughter is super adorable. The black and white picture of you and your husband in the classic car is truly stunning. Good luck with everything and have a awesome senior year!

  17. Hello Limayre,

    It is great that you as a young mother is heading toward your goals of a degree and career. More power to you since there are many who don’t take their chances of higher education like you have. Good luck with med school! I have heard that it is quite tough but seems like you got it. Your daughter is adorbs and she reminds me of my little niece. Hope you have a great rest of the semester!

  18. You are involved with a lot of things at school. That’s awesome since its really makes the college experience better. You get to meet so many people and they will help you when you start applying to medical school. It’s good that you have a passion for it and that will make you want it even more. Nice to meet you and I hope you have a nice semester.

  19. It's crazy that I still haven't read everyone's blog intros, but it is so nice to meet you! I am crazy impressed that you have all of those extra curriculars and school and working full-time as well as having a daughter. That's amazing. I barely feel like I'm managing and I'm not doing half of what you are. I also wish you so much luck in your marriage! You must be loving it. It was great to meet you!

  20. Hi Limayre. It's so nice to see another mother in this class! My son is just two years old and its definitely a struggle to balance a family and school. I'm also pursuing a career in the medical field but as a physician assistant. Congratulations on getting married. That's so exciting!

  21. Wow! I really admire how involved you are in everything! It is really awesome to read everyone's introductions and learn about everyone's different backgrounds! I think it is awesome that you continued on to school while being a young mother! Also, I may be a little late since this is from a few months ago, but congratulations on getting married! I also graduate in May and wish you the best of luck with medical school! Have a great rest of the semester!

  22. Oh my goodness both you and your daughter are absolutely gorgeous! She's so cute and congratulations! it sounds like you have quite a lot to get through but you're not letting it stop you from reaching your dreams at all! That's so inspiring and I'm very happy to have read your story. It warmed my heart and honestly gave me hope for the future.

  23. Hi Limayre, It’s nice to meet you. I am actually also from California. I moved from San Francisco to Texas when I was 8. Your daughter is so cute. I have a niece that is 1 ½ and she is the best part of my family! I love your wedding photo, it is so beautiful. Congratulations and I hope you and your husband have had a happy marriage thus far and from now on. I think that it’s really great you can be a mom, wife and student. I struggle just to be a student and really admire those who have to balance so many other titles.

  24. hey Limayre! its nice to meet you!
    congratulations on getting married. I hope everything is still going well. I have no idea how you are able to do school and take care of a child I give you major props for that. and not even just school your doing biology thats some hard stuff. well I hope you had a good semester

  25. Looks like you have a very busy life! I think it is great that you are so involved and can continue your studies. Raising a child and going to school has been difficult at times I’m sure! Congrats on your marriage and all of your accomplishments. I think it’s great that you want to help young mothers and show them that with determination anything is possible.
