Wednesday, August 26, 2015

UnTextbook and what I look forward to

I am particularly a very indecisive person so you can only imagine how hard it was for me to choose a few units that really intrigued me. I have chosen the following units because they are somehow a relatable topic in my life. I am sure some of these might change but here is my first impression. Enjoy! 

1. Adam and Eve Unit: I am really excited about this unit because I was raised in a Christian home. I am very familiar with the plot in the bible and the characters involved in the story. However, it will be very interesting to read about how other tales narrate this biblical encounter. 

2. Dante's Inferno: I am so happy that we have the opportunity to read this unit! I have always been very intrigued with the idea of heaven and hell, especially hell. When I was in my pre-teen years sin and hell were two things that we made very clear to me by my spiritual leaders. At times, I would listen to documentaries about people who proclaimed to have traveled to heaven and hell and the depiction of hell was very intriguing to me ( not that I do want to go to hell, I don't like the heat THAT much), haha. 

3. Beowulf: I am glad that I have a second chance at this story. The reason why I have chose this as one of my readings is because Beowulf was assigned to me my senior year in high school and I honestly did not pay that much attention to it. I only have small memory of important characters such as Grendel and Hrothgar. I am sure that this time around I will definitely pay attention! 

Last but not least....

4. Alice in Wonderland: When I was younger I was always afraid of Alice in Wonderland. There was something about this odd world of talking rabbits and weird cats that really freaked me out. Up to this date, I still have not faced my fear but I think this is a great opportunity to get to know this infamous story. 

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